Episode 3

Published on:

10th Feb 2021

076: "Mindset is key, and then your body follows." The Plan Learn Thrive Strategy featuring Christine LaVopa

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Last Updated: September 2, 2024


076: "Mindset is key, and then your body follows." The Plan Learn Thrive Strategy featuring Christine LaVopa

Military Spouse, Entrepreneur, Fitness Trainer and Wellness Coach Christine LaVopa teaches busy women how to find the time to achieve their ideal body and mind without a gym. She also helps families achieve their nutrition and fitness goals. She shares tips on how to stay on track with nutrition and fitness, how to gain confidence and positive mindset, and how she created the Plan Learn Thrive strategy while her husband was deployed and she was raising their 11 month old alone.

Website: https://www.christinelavopa.com/

Instagram @christine_lavopa

Facebook @christine.lavopa.5


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Connect with our co-hosts Jen Amos jen@holdingdownthefortpodcast.com and Jenny Lynne Stroup https://jennylynnestroup.com/ or jennylynnestroup379@gmail.com

November 2020, Jen Amos and Holding Down the Fort Podcast was awarded “Media Professional of the Year” at The Rosie Network Entrepreneur Awards! Check out her acceptance speech at https://therosienetwork.org/entrepreneur-awards

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Jen Amos 0:00

Welcome to holding down the fort, an award winning podcast show dedicated to curating knowledge, resources, and relevant stories for today's military spouses, so they can continue to make confident and informed decisions for themselves and their families. Because let's face it, we know who's really holding down the fort. I'm Jen, emos, a goldstar daughter, veteran spouse, and your host for holding down the fort by us bet wealth. Let's get started.

Alright, Hey, everyone. Welcome back to holding down the fort Podcast. I am your co host, Jenn Ramos. And as always, especially now for season four. I have my incredible co host with me, Jenny Lynch troupe. Gentlemen, welcome back. Thanks. Glad

Unknown Speaker 0:48

to be here today.

Jen Amos 0:49

Yes, I'm so excited today's recording day for us, because we have another conversation as well. And we're starting to kind of figure out our consistent schedule as co host. And so we have a lot of incredible conversations that are going to be coming out of season four. And a lot of it is thanks to you, jennylyn, for reaching out to some good people that, you know, I don't have to do the hard work of that as a thank you for helping me out on that department.

Speaker 1 1:12

Happy to contribute other than just showing up and talking. Yeah, I

Jen Amos 1:16

know. It's funny, because we were just talking offline. And everyone's like asking you genuine so what do you do for the podcast? And you're just like, I literally just show up. And it's like, it's true. Like, if anyone is asking me like what your role is, I just tell you to show up and just be part of the conversation. And hey, it's true. It's that easy. That easy. podcast, y'all? Well, we're really excited because, you know, gentlemen, we have brought on one of your friends here today. So let me go ahead and introduce her. We have Christine lavaca, who is a military spouse, fitness trainer and wellness coach and entrepreneur. So Christine, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for having me. Yeah, and we're also talking offline, how's it like to be back in the States? Besides the jetlag, it's, you know, feels like home, because we're actually back at my parents house where I grew up at. So that's, you know, the home. I call us the boomerangs, because somehow we always make it back here at some point. That's awesome, though. It's nice to be here and not be in another state and not know anybody with the toddler being pregnant. Like that. Just, you know? Yeah, definitely. I think that's one of the rare benefits if you can be in the military and be home with family. You know, like, it's, it's very rare. So I'm sure you're counting your blessings. And especially since you're about to have another child and you have a toddler, it'd be great for I think, kind of that stable ground and environment, you know, for your kids. Yes. And business. Yeah. Yeah, just everything. stability is always nice. Let's just running a business from the across the world is challenging, especially when you're creating a community. And you know, it's International, you know, so you have to, like, really respect everybody's time zones and get everything going. So there's a lot of benefits to coming back. I also say that. Yeah, absolutely. Well, I am curious to know, because jennylyn did bring you onto the show. How do you guys know each other? Oh, gosh.

Unknown Speaker 3:11


Unknown Speaker 3:13

you want to go? That'd be awkward question

Jen Amos 3:15

that I just asked like, what? No, no, no, no.

Speaker 1 3:18

I mean, my initial response was like male spouse life, but that's not really the whole story. Her husband was stationed at Rutgers University, the same time we were stationed in New York City. And so before Christine and Anthony met and got married, Anthony was a single sailor living and doing Oh, was he recruiting? No, he was

Unknown Speaker 3:39

he was our ROTC. Yeah,

Speaker 1 3:42

yeah. Doing ROTC at wreckers. And whenever there was an event in New York City, the Navy wanted people that look at in uniform to show up and make the Navy look good in uniform. And so Anthony often got a call to come and hang out of the events that the office that Matthew worked for, was involved in. So we met Anthony before he met Christine, and then literally like within three months of one another, both PCs to San Diego. And so we met Christine, when they got to San Diego. And then they bought a house right behind us in our neighborhood and live there for 500 seconds before the baby PCs, then back to the east coast and then to Bahrain. So Wow, we've met, you know, met here in San Diego stayed in touch through all the moves. And here we are,

Jen Amos 4:27

yeah, seems such a long time. But in military time, it's like, like one years, like dog years. It's like to capture you know, but yeah, so jennylyn we have a thing, Anthony and I it's like ba and BC. So it's before Christine, so

Unknown Speaker 4:42

I love it.

Jen Amos 4:43

I love that. That's amazing. Yeah, let's talk a little bit about you know, the fact that you two are friends and you were able to maintain your friendship and all the changes like I think about so my background, Christine is that I was a military child for the first 10 years of my life before I had unfortunately lost my dad while he was on active duty. And fast forward to today I'm married to a veteran. So I got real back in. But anyway, I digress. I remember when I was a kid, how hard it was to stay in touch with my friends, you know, when we would move, I actually remember that when I left Japan, like I would send letters to my friends, you know, I just write letters and send to my friends. And I would they would return back in the mail, because my friends already moved. They already PCs. You know, obviously, that was way back when before the internet became a thing. And so I'm curious to know, at least with both of your friendship, you know how easy or difficult it's been to, to stay in touch. So jennylyn, in batterien, was 11 hours behind me. So having a day to day conversation was not really a day to day conversation, but great to have friends where you could just pick up where you left off, and there's no pressure behind. You didn't call me you didn't answer my tax you didn't. It's like, hey, like, we're living life here. And we live in military life, which is like really different. So you respect each other's times, but also respect where you are in each other's lives. And always pick up where we left off. So for me that that's super helpful, because sometimes you're just not, like glued to your phone, or your email or anything like that, you know, gentleman's life is crazy busy, you know. So to be able to get in touch with each other, is nice, you know, when we need it. And we never think that if we don't get in touch with each other, that there's something underlying, you know, that's awesome that friends like that,

Speaker 1 6:29

well, we have mirrored each other quite a bit in our experience. So like that has helped us stay in touch. Like Christine talks about being the boomerang, I am also a boomerang, I have lived more with my parents as a married adult with children than I did as a young adult post college. So, you know, we've bonded over a lot of things that we have in common, which also helps I think that's the beauty of like, the military spouse network is like, you're gonna find somebody that did it is going to do it just finished up whatever it is you're doing, and they have helpful words of wisdom or, you know, just are willing to share their experience and stay in touch. So

Jen Amos 7:08

yeah, awesome about, like, just having a community like she's a very, like, community based person that loves to help people in general, but especially her people like her tribe. And when you find people like when genuine takes you into her tribe, it's a big thing. So thanks. Yeah, be careful. You're about to receive a lot of love from jennylyn. Now that you're part of my network, beware.

Unknown Speaker 7:33

I'm on a podcast. Oh, come on.

Jen Amos 7:35

Right. Did initiate process No, I'm just kidding. Yeah, I mean, I was pretty fortunate. I just put a newsletter announcement out there that I was looking for a co host, and Jenny Lynn stepped up to the plate. And, you know, I'm the kind of person and maybe this is just my military child background, where I just like to dive in deep with people right away. And we'll figure it out if it works or not. And so far, gentlemen, it's been working. So I'm happy you happy? Yep. Yeah. All right. There

Unknown Speaker 8:00

you go. Cool. Well, thank

Jen Amos 8:01

you both for sharing that. And you know, even for myself, as I, you know, I'm here on the east coast. But I do have a lot of my friends and families still on the west coast, because I lived there for 20 years after my dad had served. And one thing I come to find that has been helpful for me to stay in touch with my friends, is we just kind of like, I mean, on my iPhone, we leave each other like audio messages. So it seems like we're having a dialogue back and forth without having to have like the actual, you know, like, be there live. And I find that still very fulfilling and satisfying, you know, to engage with, you know, my friends and my loved ones, and stuff like that. And so I imagine, you know, with military families and friends being all around, we've come up with so many creative ways to stay in touch, but with that underlying understanding that like not to take it personally, if you don't hear back from them right away. And I think that is what a lot of, let's say local people take for granted. You know, like if their friend locally doesn't respond, they take it. So personally, I think it's like for us, it's like, I get it, you have a life, you know, you're in a different time zone. And I think I like that just kind of additional compassion and grace that we all give each other in this community. My mom said, Hi, by the way, so

Unknown Speaker 9:09

I know I saw her in the background. I was like, Hey, mom.

Jen Amos 9:13

I love it.

Speaker 2 9:18

She's been on a coaching call before this, and she just like popped in. Welcome.

Unknown Speaker 9:24

Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Jen Amos 9:26

Do you want to join us, mom? No. Well, Christine, let's go ahead and talk a little bit about what you do. So you are a fitness trainer and wellness coach and entrepreneur. So that sounds really exciting. Can you give us kind of like a snapshot of your day like day in the life of Christine. Well, I wake up at 5am because my toddler does. So in the beginning, it's just the beginning of the day is you know, I spend time with him as much as possible, because we're one parent down. So single parenting. I tried to give him extra attention. Now we have a baby on the way I want to get that extra attention with him too. And I do like a little school with him. I mean, these two and a half. So his attention spans like this, you know, and he's very, very busy. So after that, I answer emails, I do my calendar with my clients, I do one on one coaching. And then I also have the community where I do group coaching. And most of the days are like that after naptime like in between that time is when I get the bulk of the work done. And then I have nightly calls just depending on everybody's time schedule, and I workout in there, too. Yeah, I do it all, no big deal. Some days, I'm just like, No, no, but writing it down. I mean, staying structure like a really big. And you asked gentlemen, this, I teach this to all my clients about having a structured schedule, not so structured, where you're getting anxiety, because it's not right on the dot, but knowing what you're doing every single day is really good to stay on track, but also to achieving your fitness and nutrition goals. But wellness goals as well, because it's a lot about mindset as well. Absolutely. So Christine, you like to work with busy women, you know, to find the time to achieve their ideal body and mind without a gym. So tell me, how did you decide to pursue or teach in this way. So funny, you should ask. I actually developed this program while my husband was deployed, we had just PCs from California to Virginia orders, there wasn't a lot of time. And I'm not a veteran to the military spouse world. My husband and I met in department head school, I was 35, he was 30. So we were in our lives. And I was not used to this type of life. I lived in New York until 35 years old. And now I see the world. So living from I guess you could call a bit sheltered to now you're experiencing so much so fast. And you don't have a lot of control any of where you're going, what's going on. But you do have control of how healthy you're treating your body, what you're doing for your mindset, and what you're putting into your body for nutrition. So I also come from a fitness competitive life background, too. So being in the fitness competitive world is very, very extreme. So I wanted to come up with a plan that was not extreme, and that you could just fit into your lifestyle, I had my son and I gained about, oh, I don't know, 45 pounds. And I was just determined, I just didn't feel good. You know, and everyone's like, Oh, you know, you have a baby, it's so nice. And nobody talks about, like, the hard parts, you know, and the part of like, hey, my son just came out of the Nicky, my husband's gone. You know, so I was just like, you know, whatever you're doing for yourself is completely on the back burner. And learning to balance that. So when we got to Virginia, I didn't know anybody, and then work up started. And you know how workups are. It's like, they're there. But they're really not.

now, especially I think since:

maintaining our relationships in the military life can be stressful, sometimes it's more than we can take. And we just want to run, scream, or run screaming. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to get to know Jason and Chandler at Charlie Mike life, which is a nonprofit, where they provide life coaching to veterans and military spouses and Gold Star families for absolutely free. They have a special program right now called the relationship building Academy. And in this relationship building Academy, you'll learn how to turn the one thing that often comes up in relationships, which the hint here is stress into leverage to create the kinds of relationships that can get you closer to your business relationship and life goals. I encourage you all to book an appointment today by going to relate them.com that's about our el@m.com and find out how to get your first session absolutely free today. And feel free to mention me Jenny most. So once again, I just want to share that I had been fortunate to get life coaching myself through Charlie Mike life. And so feel free to reach out to me personally if you want to know my experience in working with Charlie Mike life. Alright, thank you so much for listening. And let's get back to the episode.

So having a strategy that you can have under your belt with wellness topics, like we go into hormones, we go into mindset training, genuine also did an amazing coaching call for mental health, we talk about it all, especially women that go through it. You know, postpartum is tough, you know, and I think a lot of people don't talk about that. I couldn't go to the gym. My son didn't like the gym. So I had to be uncomfortable to come up with this and present it to other busy women. So yeah, for sure,


Danielle, and I saw you nodding so thought I'd check in with you. I mean, part of what Christine left out in her very good explanation of how she got here is that she didn't go to the gym because she had Anthony and so little Anthony's like, part of her workout routine. And so she was able to create this program based on like, living it herself day to day like having to work out while they went to the park and having you know, then she moved back to New York where it's cold for like 11 and a half months of the year and like so you're forced to do different things if you're not going to the gym. And so, you know, she has lived the approach that she teaches and her concept of community and digging into all of the like that extras over and above just food and working out is particularly helpful. So I was part of her first group of women that participated in plan learn threats. And it's a great place to get support from the group and learn, like Christine has all these modules about everything from protein to sleep, and how all of those things affect your body. So,

Jen Amos:

yeah, well, let's talk a little bit more about that community, Christine, because it sounds like something you're extremely excited about, in addition to Jenny Lynn's very kind testimonial, what else have these members or I guess the community has said about the community that, you know, maybe we'll encourage our listeners to check out? Yeah, so a lot of the community members, I would say, Good, 60% of them are military spouses. So that in itself has been amazing. But, you know, going through this journey is not easy. And you don't always have the support, not everyone's going to be on that train to support you. If anything, you'll have people that don't support your don't understand your journey, because they're not in the same place as you are, they don't consider it a priority. You know, most people don't consider it a priority until it's too late. There's underlying health issues, you just don't feel well. So getting like energy back and all of that. But inside of the community, we talk about everything, it's a private community and do daily check ins. And also we do weekly check ins of weight measurements and pictures. So I do a three way check in because a lot of people focus specifically on a number, and a number does not dictate who you are. A number is one data point. And if that number doesn't change in direction that you want, all of your self worth is held in that number. So a lot of my clients, they're like this is you know, it's a lot to like, check in with everything. I'm like, I'm telling you just trust me in this process, which a lot of it is trust, too, because you're trusting somebody else with your nutrition and your goal. And you have to understand that if you just use your weight, it's not going to tell you the whole story. And what I do particularly is I do a week one picture two, a week six picture, it's a 12 week program, and I'm telling you, everybody's mind is blown. And then also the measurements, would you rather lose two pounds or use three inches in your waist? You know, because if you're putting on muscle, your metabolism is going to be faster, and you're going to feel better. And you know what muscle doesn't, you know, when you walk away. You know, like so you just have to think about this, like you could be a little bit heavier, but you're be you know, a different size altogether. If anything, one thing that someone had taught me that I thought was very profound is like rather than look at the scale, look at the mirror, you know, look, see how you look like do you like how you look in the mirror, that's what matters. That's the most important thing. So a question I have for you, Christine is why does weight matter? Like why are we convinced that our weight is our worth? Well, I think that's something as we talked about, it's something ingrained in you renew your child. You know, I know particularly for me, weight was always a sticking point. And it determined whether I felt good about myself or whether I just hated myself, you know. And that's something that you learn. And it's it's easy to control. So I have all of these emotions, I don't know why I'm feeling this way. But if I put it on my Wait, it's easier to stick it there. And the same with food. There's no such thing as good food or bad food, there's better food for your body. But food does not have an emotion tied to it. Food is not have an adjective tied to it. So when you think about food, food is fuel food is energy. But things are gonna make you feel better. But typically people like pizza or had a Sunday or have this on bad, that's bad. This makes me bad. And that's not the case. But it's something that's ingrained in us. It's almost like when you learn a language. So do you will learn the language when you're in your 50s? Or do you learn a language when you're young. So when you come to play and learn thrive, you're learning a whole new language. So you have to really take that old thing old stuff, and kind of deal with it, accept it, and realize that treating yourself good. eating the right foods, doing something for yourself for self love is the right approach, as opposed to I have to fit into this or I have to do look this way, or no one's gonna love me if I don't weigh 120 pounds, whatever you have in your mind, because that's not the truth. Yeah, absolutely. I love that. Genuine just want to see if you had any thoughts.


Christina and I have have had conversations about this very thing offline. I mean, she and I are about the same age. And, you know, we grew up with like the slimfast culture and the weight. We like the dawn of the supermodel like that was happening when we were kids. And so growing up with that, I mean, I don't know that I can name a female and in my age range that have some sort of No disproportionate self worth associated with how they look. And so having grown up with that as an ideal and an idea to tie worth to, I love that Christine is deconstructing that an enemy as someone who has gone program and prior to doing the program, Matthew, our both individual clients have her, it's hard, it's really hard. And program is great. And also like, getting around all of those in green things is really difficult. And so I finished up the first phase of the program with her and currently like we're in conversation, I'm taking your rest break, my body is exhausted, because we're living in a pandemic, I never leave my house, I have to get some home schooling. And it just, you know, I got to a point where I had seen really great gains, and then it leveled off. And we just came to a decision that like, my body was just tired. And so you know, I'm going through the process of getting blood work, because there are so many other things that affect like your body and how you feel other than just how much you weigh. And so Christine's really great with like helping all of those aspects kind of come together in a way that a lot of programs are just like, well eat this or eat this much, or whatever, whatever like, and it's just not that simple. And I like her whole, like Mind Body approach.

Jen Amos:

Yeah, it's a whole body approach. And particularly, a lot of coaches don't focus on that. And I can't speak for coaches, I can just speak for the coaches that I've had, they were sports specific, obviously. But there was no talk of mindset, there is no talk of this is what you beat, this is what you do, this is how you train, if you don't do it, then you're not going to win. So that's not life, though. You know, like, that's because you don't eat this, you're not going to win. That's, you know. So we do like this gentleman say I have a lot of dysmorphia is when it comes to food when it comes to our body image, when it comes to how we think about ourselves. And a lot of that starts when you're a child. So learning a new language, learning a new love language for yourself learning a new, I need to do this for myself, I am worthy, I can accept this, I deserve this. Because a lot of the times when people eat the bad food, it's really out of guilt and stress. And then that creates the whole cycle. You know, right? How do you take that portion out? Because a lot of people find comfort in food, because it's comforting, especially the fast digesting carbohydrates where they make you feel really good. And you're like, Oh, great. It's a sugar rush. And I feel good. And then you feel like crap. Yeah, literally, an hour later, then you're like, what I do myself, and then the old habits, the old language starts again. So how do you break the cycle? takes time, though. It's not something on overnight. Yeah, it takes time. And it takes a community, right. Because if you're going to go through any change, you need to surround yourself with people that's going to encourage that change. And so I can imagine that it must be a transformative experience for people that work with you. Tell me a story of maybe a time or a client where it really touched your heart. And you said to yourself, this is why I do what I do. Oh my gosh, that's such a hard question. Because, yeah, and every single one of my clients, because I love focusing on the big and small wins. But when someone comes to me and says, I have endometriosis, and I have IBS, I don't have pain anymore. Hmm, that's huge. That's something that's like, that's taken off of how I look. Or, you know, I feel good in a bathing suit again, you know, how many people just want to hide, and just because they're on the beach, and I mean, I can say to because I've been one of those people that just to feel good, and like live life and be on the beach and experiencing that. But you don't get to experience that because you have this wall up about yourself because of what you're wearing and what you look like in a bathing suit. And just think about how many experiences that you shut off in your life. Because you have these things about yourself, you know, so when people tell me, I feel good again. I love how much energy I have. Even though I lost five pounds, I lost, you know, three sizes, you know, and it's not always about the physical. It's about the mental change. So that's the part that's really like, this is why I do what I do and how I do it. Yeah. Oh, that's so beautiful. And it sounds so inspiring and reassuring and nurturing, I think, yeah, to be in that kind of space. You know, for me, my kind of indicator of physical success for me is when I don't have eczema breakouts, so my skin is clear. I'm good. Like I don't care about how much I weigh. I don't care about how I look in an outfit. I just wear Bigger shirts, if I'm whatever, but like, it's just like, my skin's not breaking out, I used to have this time, like almost, like almost a decade ago where I had eczema on my entire hand, my right hand, my dominant hand, and I go to networking events, and I couldn't shake hands. Because like my skin, you know, and I eventually pulled back from everything, I realized that my eczema, it was a mind thing, too, because I was so stressed at that time in my life. And so to kind of Peel all that back, I look back at that, and I remind myself, like, you worked out of that, you know, and you should celebrate that. And like, sure, you know, I gained the COVID-19, like everyone else did the pounds. So what like, I'm still alive, I'm still doing it. All right. And I think especially in these times, we have to give ourselves that extra grace and, you know, still take care of ourselves, because we should not because we feel like we need to fit some kind of, you know, image or mold or what have you. So, Christina, I think that is so beautiful. And I love the work that you're doing and how you're helping military spouses today. Obviously, they're not all military spouses, but it sounds like a big portion of them. Are military spouses, other than them, like Who else do you find tends to be attracted to your community?

mothers, for sure. And when I started the community, you know, when you're making a target audience about who you really want to target, I didn't want to specifically just go towards moms, because I feel like every woman goes to this where they have a child or not. But I think specifically to mothers, we get it, we understand, you know how hard it is to put yourself in the front line, because everybody else comes first before yourself. I think that specifically for military spouses, your partner's career is your life, you know, and you have to be okay with that. And you have to be alright with being in the jump seat and jump in whenever they tell you to go. You know. So that's hard to deal with. Yeah, but really what I found in the community aspect, especially when I joined empowered confidence, and my coach's name is Marina Abraham, I actually am the head wellness coach for this community now. And it's takes women from all sorts of parts in your life, whether you want to be a business entreprenuer, whether you want to just feel good about yourself, and just having women come together instead of tearing each other apart. And I think that that is huge. And this community that she built has helped me build my community. So I'm like, forever grateful for that. And it came exactly at the right time, timing is everything. But sometimes it will not be the right time. Don't feel like the right time. But some you just have to invest in yourself and invest in, you know, whether it comes to your health, financially, a business or anything like that. And that's one really take home message that I got from this community is investing yourself is going to be the best thing you've ever done in your entire life.

Unknown Speaker:


Jen Amos:

but yeah, hope that answered your question, I kind of went, I was tracking someone told me this recently that, like when you put yourself first you can help people better you like if you're the kind of servant leader, you know, you put everyone else first and yourself. Plus, it's actually like, a detriment to you. And because there could be some resentment out of that. It's like, Oh, I did all this for you. And you're not even grateful. And I gave up, you know, fill in the blank. But it's like, if you invest in yourself, you put yourself first you embrace your self worth your worth, that you are worthy that you matter. You know, I just think it causes a ripple effect to everyone else in your life. Genuine, I saw you nodding a little bit earlier, too. So I thought I'd check in with you, as I always do.


Just was struck with you know, couldn't contain her a tour and knowing both of you personally and offline, I know that something both of you placed a value in is fine, you know, finding people to bring you up so that you can bring other people up. And both of you have taught me that and I have invested in myself this year, I probably wouldn't have before. I mean, when I did Christine's program. Now I'm another like leadership coaching. And I just think it's so important to realize the value of the community of not just like a community of people who are all like the same like I'm part of the mill spouse community, right? Like we all have this inherent understanding ish of what it's like to be a military spouse and there's a bond and like, oh, you're a military spouse great. I'm a military but like having a community of people pushing toward the same goal and having someone who's really trying to bring you up in that. I think is is just so valuable and like the takeaway I guess for today is Christine is great at what she does let me like first put that out there but it's more about like find the people that are the people that bring you up and help you know move into a whether physically council a you know, I mean all the things

Jen Amos:

The emphasis here or trying to stress is community and the quality of the type of community that you're in. And, you know, Christine is an example of having this purpose driven community of women who can uplift and encourage and help one another, you know, have the right mindset and overall take care of their health.


Yeah, yeah. And having a leader in that community that really like has your best interests in growth at heart. That's really what I was getting at is like having that person who's really pulling you up, rather than just surrounding yourself with people that are like you.

Jen Amos:

Yeah, absolutely. Well, I feel like I don't want to take too much more of your time, Christine, because you are definitely a busy woman, as you help other busy women as well. So any closing thoughts before we share how people can get a hold of you? Yes, I think I touched on it before, it's never gonna be the right time. If you're thinking about it, and you're thinking about how much you want to feel better, how much you want to look better than think that's secondary to feeling better. Really take that time to invest in yourself, because it's going to be the best thing they've ever done. And you know, you have to learn about yourself, give yourself some grace and allow yourself to make mistakes, because it's never a linear upward path. And you're never going to gain anything if you don't fall. So if you're ready to take that leap of faith, and you know, love yourself again and feel good about yourself, then this is time to do it. Yeah. And no better time than being stuck at home. So, you know, might as well, Jenny Lynn, any closing thoughts?

Unknown Speaker:

No, I think we covered it.

Jen Amos:

Okay, fantastic. So Christina, this will be provided in the show notes, but just let our listeners know, how can they get ahold of you? So pretty simple. I have a website. It's called Christina boba calm, and you can sign up there. I do applications, but also do one on one calls to see if the program fits here for you. Because it's not about the money, like yes, if the money runs the business and all that stuff. But if I can't help you, I'm not going to take your money. So it's really important to get to know somebody in that aspect. But also reach me through Instagram. It's Christine underscore Lopa. And then I also have a Facebook, Christina lova, it's pretty easy. Just say my name I tried to keep everything cohesive by Instagram is really, it's a lot about me. I think being a coach, you just can't post fitness and food, people have to know who you are. So I put a lot out there, I hope in a motivating way. And that's that's my, you know, hope. So. If you're military spouse, you're just a woman, you know, I'm almost 40 years old, like, you could do it at any time in your life. So that can you know, inspire anybody to do that. Whether you're 26 or 50 years old, then do it. Awesome. On that note, Christine, thanks again for joining us. I've really enjoyed meeting you and getting to know you here on home on the fort. Yes, thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it. Yeah, Brent. Thank you. Hey, friends. Yay, Fred. We hope that today's episode gave you one more piece of knowledge, resource or relevant story so you can continue to make confident and informed decisions for you and your family. We look forward to speaking with you in the next episode. Tune in next time.

Show artwork for Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth

About the Podcast

Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth
Do you want to do more than “follow orders,” think outside of the box, and manifest your dreams? Then you’ve come to the right show!

In the previous season, the award-winning podcast, Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth, highlighted motivational stories of personal growth, financial awareness, and autonomy in our military community. The show is hosted by Jen Amos, a Gold Star daughter, Veteran Spouse, and Entrepreneur.

For Fall 2025, the show will continue its partnership with The Rosie Network. Learn more about how they are building up the next generation of military-connected entrepreneurs at https://therosienetwork.org/

We will continue to showcase US VetWealth's partnership with Blue Water Advisors, featuring conversations with Scott R. Tucker and Mike Wallace about career progression for military retirees seeking employment in post-military. Check out their latest live shows at https://www.youtube.com/@USVWTV/streams

Our main sponsor, US VetWealth, proudly offers Life Insurance and Annuity Strategies for The High-Income Military Retiree. Let's help you capitalize on your above-average health and substantial income-earning potential for post-military life. For a free consultation, visit https://usvetwealth.com/

In the Fall of 2023, Jen Amos was sought after by InDependent to co-host the 8th annual InDependent Wellness Summit™. In August 2022, Jen Amos' work on the podcast was recognized by the Disney Institute. She was hand-selected as the only non-Disney employee to moderate the first Military Spouse Employment panel for the Veterans Institute Summit. March 2022, former co-host Jenny Lynne was voted the 2022 Naval Station Norfolk Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year. November 2020, Jen Amos was awarded “Media Professional of the Year” at The Rosie Network Entrepreneur Awards! The show continued to collect award nominations in the following years. In September 2021, the show made the Final Slate in the 16th Annual People's Choice Podcast Awards for the Government & Organizations category. In November 2021, the show was an Award Finalist for the 5th Annual National Veteran & Military Spouse Entrepreneur Awards. December 2021, the show was a Golden Crane Podcast Awards Nominee. September 2022, the show was a Finalist for the 13th Annual Plutus Awards presented by Capital Group for “Best Military Personal Finance Content.”

Holding Down the Fort has also been featured in multiple media outlets, including Military Entrepreneur (M.E.) Magazine, MOAA’s Never Stop Learning Podcast, The Leadership Void Podcast, Lessons Learned for Vets Podcast, Sisters in Service Podcast, Get 2 Vet, Blue Star Families of Dayton & Southwestern Ohio, Legacy Magazine, U.S. Veterans Magazine, The American MilSpouse, VeteranCrowd Network, It's a Military Life, VirtForce, Military Veteran Dad Podcast, and much more.

"Jen has a beautiful way of capturing the essence of her guests. She listens with an open mind and heart to help expand the words spoken- bringing life, connection, and deeper understanding. The military life is never “easy” we merely learn how to adapt the best we know how to. It’s through continuing to build the community up that we will see a decrease in the mental hardships we sometimes face. Thank you for your work to bridge the gaps, build awareness, and give a voice to so many of us. With a variety of guests, there is truly an episode meant for you to hear. I look forward to continuing to support you Jen!" - Candice E. Van Dertholen, Ep. 190
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Profile picture for Jen Amos

Jen Amos

As the co-owner of US VetWealth, I assist in business operations and in marketing educational content for military retirees seeking alternative options to the Survivor Benefit Plan and privatized financial strategies for your military retirement.

From growing up in a military family to becoming a Gold Star family member at 10 years old, I have first-hand experience with how a sudden transition to civilian life can impact a family emotionally and financially. Thanks to the Price of Freedom Foundation, you can read about our family's story in the book titled, "Silent Soul: The MM1 Alfonso Apdal Amos Story (The Price of Freedom Chronicles - Cold War Era)."

20+ years removed from military life, I started the podcast show Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth in the summer of 2019 to get a pulse on the community today. I’ve come to find that our families still share similar issues that I faced in my childhood. It’s become a sense of responsibility to do my part in validating the stories and struggles of career military families. By the fall of 2020, I had been awarded Media Professional of the Year by The Rosie Networks' National Veteran and Military Spouse Entrepreneur Awards. Since then, the show has received five more award nominations and has been recognized by multiple media outlets, including the Disney Institute’s Veterans Insititute.

While the show is off-season, I focus most of my time building out US VetWealth’s Military Retirement Blueprint -- the only resource for military retirees to learn about SBP alternatives and privatized financial strategies. Contrary to popular belief, retiring military officers and senior NCOs are, what we consider, high-income earners. Our FREE resource provides guides, courses, live training, consulting, and an ever-growing list of content for you to learn about your untapped potential and opportunities for post-military life. Access our free resource now by visiting https://militaryretirementblueprint.com/

You can read more about Jen Amos' work in the Summer 2023 Military Entrepreneur Magazine by The Rosie Network (Pg. 16).