Episode 26

Published on:

7th Apr 2021

099: Life-giving conversations that foster community in a seemingly divided world and season 4 finale with Jen Amos & Jenny Lynne Stroup

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Last Updated: September 2, 2024


099: Life-giving conversations that foster community in a seemingly divided world and season 4 finale with Jen Amos & Jenny Lynne Stroup

As co-hosts Jen Amos and Jenny Lynne Stroup wrap up season 4 of Holding Down the Fort, they reflect on the interviews they've conducted, the benefits of podcasting, their hopes for season 5, what they're grateful for, and much more.

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Connect with our co-hosts Jen Amos jen@holdingdownthefortpodcast.com and Jenny Lynne Stroup https://jennylynnestroup.com/ or jennylynnestroup379@gmail.com

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In partnership with the American Red Cross of Central and Southern Ohio, join Blue Star Families of Dayton for their Virtual “Empowering #MilKids” Resource Fair for Military-Connected Parents, featuring Jen Amos with Opening Remarks and as the Keynote Speaker! This event will take place on Saturday, April 10th from 11 AM - 1:00 PM ET - Live Streamed on the Blue Star Families of Dayton Facebook Page. Register today at https://bit.ly/3cVAl8v or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/285321909635397

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We're now accepting guests for season 5! Apply today https://forms.gle/sDY5nPkEMu665FXn6

Visit our website https://www.holdingdownthefortpodcast.com/

Sponsored by US VetWealth - The moment that you leave the military is the biggest opportunity of your lifetime, and you’re going to need money for it. Download the first three chapters of Scott R. Tucker’s (Jen’s husband and business partner) Veteran Wealth Secrets for FREE to learn more at http://veteranwealthsecrets.com/

How well do you understand the Survivor Benefit Plan and Veterans Group Life Insurance? Community Relations Director at US VetWealth Jen Amos shares a snippet of her company's latest published book, The Modern Guide to Veteran & Military Life Insurance Planning, written by her husband, Scott R. Tucker, in ep. 89: https://www.holdingdownthefortpodcast.com/episode/089. Grab a copy of The Modern Guide to Veteran & Military Life Insurance Planning at https://amzn.to/3tgKQZn or learn more at http://survivorlibertyplan.com/

November 2020, Jen Amos and Holding Down the Fort Podcast was awarded “Media Professional of the Year” at The Rosie Network Entrepreneur Awards! Check out her acceptance speech at https://therosienetwork.org/entrepreneur-awards


Jen Amos 0:00

All right. Welcome to the season finale, season four of the award winning podcast show holding down the fort. I am your co host, Jen, a most also goldstar daughter and veteran spouse. And as always, throughout this entire season, I have my co host with me Jenny Lynn stroupe, who is a active duty military spouse at 12 years mom of two mental health advocate jennylyn. Welcome to the last episode of Season Four of holding down the fort. Thanks. I'm

Speaker 1 0:29

happy to be here. And also a little sad. I don't know that I want season four to end. Like so fun.

Jen Amos 0:38

Yeah, well, let's talk about that. Because I remember just our initial conversations of you wanting to be on the show. I remember, like I literally just said to you, like, just show up and add to the conversation. So tell us a little bit about that time to what holding down the fort has meant to you and what it means for you today.

Speaker 1 0:57

Oh, man, so I still really just show up and enjoy the conversation. That's still my role on the team. Aside from the good idea fairy that happens between the hours of midnight and 5am. Find a sticky note to write ideas down. Now I've just thoroughly enjoyed my time with you and our guest and just really getting to have good conversation. I love people like period. And relationship is very important to me. And through this show. You know, I've met people that I have been been able to be in relationship with, outside of the show, you know, some of them I work with now through work and others. We've just stayed in touch socially. And I mean, it has just made my life so much richer in a time where I'm still in California. And we're still not going out all that much. Because we've just now dropped down into red tear something.

Unknown Speaker 1:56

Yes. Oh, my guess.

Speaker 1 1:58

So I mean, we're like, still, we're more open than we have been in a really long time. But we're still not as open as some places. I mean, a lot of ways podcasts that's provided a good way to meet people and to learn about other people and to, you know, at least at the very least start a conversation that may lead to more conversations.

Jen Amos 2:18

Yeah, I'm so glad that you feel that way. And you have experienced that because, you know, part of why collectively at the time of this recording, I probably done like 400 Plus, like, interviews collectively, like throughout all my podcast shows, and I continue to do it. And I'm not tired of it. I mean, of course, I'll have this anxiety of like, Oh, I gotta like have a whole day of meetings. But like, when I'm in it, it's so like, therapeutic. It's like, well, first of all, it's so nice that people are willing to, you know, spend that time to have a conversation with you. And that I always feel like I get like some golden nuggets out of it, or I get some inspiration or I get like a piece of hope of like, Okay, I'm not the only one stuck in this pandemic, I'm not the only one that had to, you know, A, B, or C. And it's been really refreshing and humanizing in a way and reassuring to know that, like, we're all in this together. And I mentioned this in a past newsletter, just how, like how divided I feel like America has been in the recent weeks, if not months, if not almost a year. But I feel so lucky to live in sort of this podcasting bubble of people who are still trying to be the change that they want to see and and focus on, you know, collaboration and connection and, you know, just wanting to help each other out. Like it's just, it's just so nice that despite everything that feels like is going on outside of these four walls, that like there are still a lot of good people trying to make a difference despite or maybe because of all the craziness that's going on. And I love it. I'm here for it.

Speaker 1 3:49

Mm hmm. Oh, absolutely. I mean, the word community again popped in my head, like, while you were talking. And for me, that's what this has been. And that's what I continue to hope that it will stay like it's been a space for me of Yeah, finding more community in a world that does seem increasingly divided. You know, and is brought a lot of people that I would not have normally met mostly because none of us are in the same timezone.

Unknown Speaker 4:16

And not even the

Speaker 1 4:18

time of this recording, you know, so that's just been really fun for me. And it's something that is the highlight of my week. And on your week off at the end of the month, I get really sad because no podcasts like on my calendar to take part in. So this is something I very much look forward to.

Jen Amos 4:35

I love it. And so, you know, just for our listeners, just so you know, Jenny Lynn and I typically do recordings on like Tuesdays and Thursdays, except for the one Thursday that you have your meeting. And then at the last week I usually take it off because since the start of the new year, I've decided to just take the last week off entirely and just try to get off zoom as much as possible and you know, unplug and all that good stuff. That's kind of the New Year's resolution I've made for myself, and I'm still not good at taking a break. jennylyn like, this is like my third month that I'm going to be attempting to do this so far. And last month, like the end of February, I was like, despite having no meetings, I was like crazy busy still, like, I still found something to do or like, Oh, well, I'm free, let's schedule something, you know. And I think because, like, I don't want to sit still, you know, like, I think I don't want to like, rest in a way, because I just don't know what the future is going to bring right now, with all the everything going on in the world. It's like, I think I have found purpose and, you know, being a part of these conversations, you know, so much that like, when I'm not on them, you know, I question everything, like, what am I doing with my life, you know, but when I get back from these conversations, and the more like when I feel connected, or I feel like I can relate to a guest that's been on our show, I'm just like, oh, like, this is why I do what I do. You know, like, even if it's hard for me sometimes to get out of bed. It's like when I'm in it, like when I'm in the zone of interviewing and having these conversations, it's like, man, like, I'm so glad that I have something that's going to pull me out of my bed. Because there's a book I always talk often about called the upward spiral by Alex Korb. And there's a chapter in there, where he talks about one of the best ways of working through depression is being in community. And so you know, the fact that I have this on the calendar, the fact that you're excited for these interviews genuine, makes me be like, Oh, my God, I have to do this. Like, it was so funny, because one of the recent interviews that we just did today at the time, this recording, I was like, I was a little iffy. I was like, you know, I've had a rough start to the week, maybe I don't want to do it. So like I started ran it by you like, hoping you'd say no. But you said yes. And I was like, well, she says, Yes, I should do it. And hey, it turned out really well. Right? Like it was very fruitful. Like, we probably would have gone over had an I had another meeting to go to, but I so needed it. And I'm so glad that you know, in a time right now, with so much like isolation and division, especially division, or what feels like division, as you mentioned, it's like, it's so nice that like, I've set myself up for success to not like isolate myself to be like, Oh, I have to show up for that. Or like, Oh, you know, Jenny Lynn is counting on me, you know, to do this. And she looks forward to these. So like I really have to show up now. And I also especially have had felt it when our show became an award winning show, thanks to the Rosie network, where like, it's interesting, because when that happens, the show was only at like season two. And I think I had only published like, 55 episodes at that time. And I wasn't sure the direction of where I was going to go at the show. I was kind of like, Oh, do I just go on hiatus? Do I you know, what do I do with it. And once we got the award, I felt obligated, I was like, Okay, I gotta let you know, I like owe it to them to make this a good show. You know, it's like, now I have to, like, it's one thing to win the title. But it's another thing to like, hold the title and to really like, you know, represent, like, what it was about, which was media professional of the year. So, you know, all of this is to say is that, like, I'm so glad, you know, again, just kind of preaching about podcasting and the love and the benefits of it. But you know, really, yeah, just from a professional standpoint, all of the amazing people I've been able to meet including you gentlemen. And then also like just the personal side, like the friends that I've been able to make even locally, thanks to podcasting. So, you know, all this to say is that I agree with everything, you know, that you said, and I'm just happy that we're both like, in it together. And I feel like our chemistry has, you know, like, with every conversation, I feel like it continues to improve and we continue to, you know, share more of ourselves. And, you know, I think our community really appreciates and loves it. And, you know, again, it's just this whole collective experience where it's like, you don't want to let anyone down. And you just want to keep going and getting better at it. You know, and I love it. I'm

Speaker 1 8:31

here for it. Oh, me too, for sure. Yeah, it's funny, I always I can't ever remember her whole closing because I don't have it on my computer. But I use the closing statement, the one that is elusive at all times

Unknown Speaker 8:47

all the time,

Speaker 1 8:48

I grabbed a memorize it. But you know, that relevant piece of information that that's probably one of the words that sticks out most. And for me like, that has become really an important factor. Because we are active duty because we've been at this for a while because I am probably both old enough and have been a military spouse long enough to be season. You know, being able to provide conversations to my people, if you will, is just really life giving for me. I mean, it's funny when we talked what was that Tuesday, I guess? And you're like yeah, Thursday, I don't know if we should cancel you know, and my whole calendar had just cleared because it's something else and I was like of course we can't keep it like I have nothing you know if there's no other thing on my calendar, write it. I had the same feeling though this morning. But I was really grateful to have this here on my calendar because truthfully, it's raining in San Diego right now. It's gray. My kids are over school, I'm over them being over school, like don't feel all that great. Our health is in various stages. Packing due to a PCs and quite honestly, most of life feels pretty darn overwhelming. So to have, like, you know, this to come to and a community to talk with and you know, to talk with you and to continue to uncover our similarities is super fun. I mean, I still think how funny it was we were amid interview and you're like, wait, you have a sister now it's like got to like actually two sisters, you know? And so to met Scott today, yeah,

Jen Amos:

it was funny because we're like, you are inviting him to the call. And I was like, wait a minute, you guys haven't met yet? Like, it's just, it's hilarious. It's hilarious. You know,


I know, Matthew has popped in once or twice a wave. But like, you know, to, like really get to know you as a person. And not just as a podcast host is super fun to, again, back to that relational piece. Like, I'm a very relational person, it means a lot to me to have good quality relationships and friendships and to be able to have that and that be, like, beneficial to other people is really fun.

Jen Amos:

Yeah, it's a fun like high that you get released that I get where it's like, it's like, wow, like, this is fulfilling for me. But this is also fulfilling for them. You know, it's like what you said, it's very, like life giving, you know, to do what we do. And it's just been very beneficial on a personal and even a professional level, you know, and with everything going on in the world, it's nice to kind of be in this bubble of like hope and open conversation in a time where it feels like it's so hard to just have an open conversation with people nowadays, you know? Yeah. Anyway, I love podcasting overall. And I've talked about it extensively, like in other places, just talking about the benefits of it. And to be quite honest, I think that more people should do it. I think that, like, even just for the networking aspect, it's, it's amazing, like the people that you'll meet, just because I think everyone has a story to share. And then if you give them a microphone to do it, it's like, I think that people favor you more, you know, when you make them feel seen, heard and valued and everything and, and it makes me feel good, knowing that I could provide a platform where people can feel that way. You know, so yeah, it's just life giving all around in so many different layers. I have yet to figure out what the negative the negative side is, or the negative effects are podcasting, but I don't, I haven't discovered it yet.


Oh, I'm gonna keep going because it's gonna cross our fingers. It stays that way.

Jen Amos:

Yeah, yeah, exactly. And you know, if you're listening to this, and you ever thought about podcasting, I thought I would mention is that I'm involved in a lot of like, podcasting communities online. And I just have to say, it's like, I'm just always surrounded with supportive people. Like, there's this big Facebook group, I'm a part of where it's just like, people can ask questions, and people get flooded with answers. And, you know, in all the conferences that I've been to, that's podcasting related, it's just been like, nothing but supportive. So it's just, you know, good people exist. And there are people that want to uplift you, they do exist. And if you're looking for a place to get started, I recommend that you look into podcasting, because it's just been so fruitful for me on so many levels, and even the community behind it are just all like, really, really good people. Anyway, this is not really a show about like, why you should podcasts? Or maybe it is, maybe it is, but yeah, let's go ahead. And you know, so let's go ahead and talk about our hopes moving forward. jennylyn, because we talked extensively, like offline of, you know, what we're hoping for moving forward. But I want to start with you like, what are your hopes when we come back in season five


more friends, I mean, so I started on season three, kind of off and on, it wasn't quite within quite the rhythm we've had this season, you know, and it was really like getting my feet wet and showing up and trying to figure out like, what my role in space was here, because for the record, I still handle none of the production, please don't email me, I cannot answer any of your question. And other than what you've actually done, Jen. And honestly, I like it that way. But you know, as we roll through season four, like there's a, as a very relational person, you know, I feel a very strong like stake in what happens here, and like, how this goes and who we talk to, and the conversations we get to have. And so it was fun in season four, to bring on a lot of people that I've met in my own military life and to get to amplify their stories, as you're saying, like, everybody's got one. And I think it's fun to be able to provide those 30 to 45 minute clips of some buddies and talk with them. And then to highlight the similarities. I mean, like the gentleman we had on this morning, he's older than both of us. He's also a he and we're she's and you know, but the part no one else is going to hear is that we stopped the podcast because I was crying. And, you know, because the things he said touched a part of my story. Yeah, you know, and a part of your story and that for me, going forward In Season Five, is what I continue to hope to do is to continue to bridge gaps both within like the military communities. I mean, I think that's the other part that's been really fun for me is we have not had a plethora of Navy folks on and like the Navy is like my swim lane like as as yours, which is ironically, really funny. Like we both come in this from a Navy background, and we have a lot of Army folks, you know, so for me, it's been like bridging the service gap, like learning that there are some differences, obviously, land and sea, but also like just a little, big boat, little boat. But also, you know, just the similarities like and listening to the people talk and you know, the spouse stories and even the service member stories like just to see how much in common we all have. I think for season five, like going forward with that all in mind is where I continue to want to drive at, because it's so rewarding for me personally. And my hope is that it's rewarding for the person on the other side of this, who's listening to this, that they find whatever are closing is some relevant piece.

Jen Amos:

I have it in front of me, so I got it ready. So in case anyone's wondering, because neither of us have memorized this yet it goes, we hope that today's episode give you one more piece of knowledge, resource or relevant story, so that you can continue to be confident and informed decisions for you and your family. And I chose those words very specifically and thoughtfully, because I really think you know, very often I hear in our community, and even in my own personal experience of the military life that we were just lacking all of that, you know, we're lacking knowledge, resources, and relevant stories for the military family. And therefore, a lot of times, it was just kind of going through the motions of that military life and really on holding down the fort, we want you to make confident and informed decisions for you and your family want you to feel like what every decision you make in this crazy military life is purposeful and meaningful, and that you're not just going through the motions, because before you know it's gonna be over. And then what are you going to do from there, like, you're going to have to wake up eventually, the post military life. And I think if you don't have that mindset early on, it's going to be difficult for that transition. And so, you know, it's important, like, it's important for me to be able to amplify our stories and, you know, create that relevancy and know that like, you're not alone. And it just means a lot that it's resonated with you as well, Jenny Lynn, and even you personally and professionally have benefited a lot from really what the show is about. And so, you know, you're like my immediate feedback to what I was hoping to accomplish. You know, it's like, oh, this is all I wanted, like, I just wanted, like we hear so often even our business that us But well, it's like we are so often just how little the spouse knows even about their finances, you know, and it's heartbreaking, because a lot of the benefit the spouse, you know, and so it's just important to us to just let you all know, what is available to you, and do even have a podcast or a resource, such as his podcast to take with you wherever you go, you know, and knowing that, just like what you said earlier, jennylyn that we have more in common than we do than we do not, you know, and it's just I don't know if that was a grammatically correct, but then we do not. But anyway we have more in common is what I'm trying to say. And, you know, that is kind of funny, I didn't realize that a lot of our guests were like, you know, like on the army side, I just put it out there, I put the gas application out there and people saw it happen to sign up. And then that's who we get, but you think we'd have more Navy representation on here. But I guess we didn't actually there's a conversation that I had with seasoned spouses that on the day you weren't available, and it was three of them. And I believe they were all Navy, so I'm planning on bringing them back because they were just so fun to talk to. And I think we're just gonna have like a ball just like, like talking in the future. But they definitely, from what I recall, they definitely represented the Navy side that day, because they kept referencing themselves as sailor wives and stuff like that was like, yeah, representation. Um, but uh, anyway, I was just rambling.


I think the other thing that I love about this is because we talk about those resources and relevant information through story. It's so easily digestible for a community that often gets information by fire hydrant, like, you know, yeah, we have a ton of resources available. And we have a ton of organizations willing to help with this, that and the other. And also, when you get fed it at a pre deployment brief or a post deployment brief or, you know, a conference where you're literally handed 10,000 flyers and pieces of paper, and none of those may be a thing you need right that minute. Yeah, it feels impossibly overwhelming to decipher which one of those is right for you. And so, you know, as we move forward in the season five like keeping that in mind that like being a resource through story, because that's really where the connection is made. It is always fascinating to me as a writer that when, you know, 1000 of my words go out on the internet, who comments on them? Because it's never the people that I mean, they're always like a couple of my friends who are like, Oh, another good piece, you know, no thanks. But like, it's, there's also always the comments that like, like, Oh, you either didn't know that person read or listened to you, or you wouldn't realize that something in there was going to resonate with them. Because on the surface, you just look really different. And I continue to be pleasantly surprised at how much story connects people and allows them, you know, into community and allows good conversations to happen. So, you know, season five, I'm looking forward to a lot more of that of sharing those snippets of story that allow our listeners to see themselves and go. Oh, yeah. And when they're having you. We talked about mental health all the time. Yeah. When they need help with their mental health. They go, Oh, yeah. They always talk about, you know, and can come back and look at the vast list of resources we have, or Yeah,

Jen Amos:

there's a lot of episodes, I feel like there should be like a mental health focus show for some reason. But yeah, we talked about a lot, I guess, because you and I love it first and foremost. And I guess we just tend to attract things we like.


And it's really relevant. I mean, I feel like we're finally moving toward a place where it is becoming a lot more acceptable for people to say, hey, I need help. And if you and I can be those voices that go. Yep. And it's not weird to go like, I mean, I've talked about my mental health on here multiple times. But in case no one has heard it all together. I've been in therapy individually, for most of my time as a military spouse, because it's hard, because there's a lot of loss and a lot of grief and a lot of transition. And being in therapy is what is what has helped me make it to be a seasoned spouse. We've also been family therapy. We've also been in couples therapy, you know, and I mean, you share your story quite a bit, too. And I just, yeah, we talked about mental health because it matters. And because it's important, and because we don't want the number 22 to be any higher. In fact, we'd like it to be a lot lower.

Jen Amos:

Yeah, yeah. Beautifully said. And, you know, I think that a lot of what is lacking in the community is access to quality mental health resources, I think. And so yeah, we just happen to talk about it a lot. Because, you know, I think about when my dad had served in the 80s and 90s, we didn't talk about mental health, like it was like, so taboo, it's like, my dad only got counseling, because he had to, like he was he had to, because of what he did at that time, to get kind of forced into it from what my family tells me. But now it's like, it's just so nice that we can look at mental health, like going to the gym, you know, like taking a shower. Like, it's it's needed. It's it's, you know, your mental health is your physical health, because how you feel ends up showing in your actions in your skin. You know, like, if you're stressed, you know, at least for me, it comes out of my skin, you know, and Oh,

Unknown Speaker:

man. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker:

Yeah, yeah. Okay, good. It's

Jen Amos:

not just me. I'm not the only one that breaks out. Okay, good to know. Yeah. And so mental health is physical health. And so, you know, we can't stress it enough. And we've definitely had so many guests in the past, just talk about the importance of like meditation, you know, yoga, like water, you know, like, there's so many things that go into taking care of our mental health and physical health, that it's just been so great to have guests come on, who advocate for that, you know, for our community. And I'm just, you know, again, I'm just, I'm here for all of it. And just like what you said, for season five, I very much look forward to deepening our relationship with past guests, there's definitely a number of them where I'm like, you need to come back on, you know, so that's what I hope to do in the next season is to, you know, bring him back, get an update on what they're up to, and how they're doing, how they're thriving in the military life, or even post military life. So I'm very much looking forward to that. And, you know, one thing that I've come to find throughout the seasons, and even what we're realizing at our own work here at us vet wealth is that, you know, Scott, and I just really have a special place in our heart for career military families. Part of that is because my family was a career military family. And it seems like in our work, the people that tend to be most responsive to even thinking about financial planning, are the seasoned families or the career military families, because at that point, you have families and you're thinking about your legacy. You're thinking about that transition, and you're not just thinking about that transition for yourself, but you're thinking about your family, and how they're going to transition with you. You know, and so it just seemed like it All came into alignment, I feel like and then you being a seasoned spouse yourself genuine, I just feel like we're really honing it in the show, I feel like everything is like coming together. And I think that in season five are definitely going to be a lot more focused, we're going to be more specific in regards to like the type of guests we bring on, in addition to our past guests. But overall, I think you all are in for a treat for the next season, I think it'll be more heartfelt, I think there'll be more stories to be told, and more relevant knowledge, resource and stories for all of you. I'm always trying to throw in the closing statement, because obviously, we haven't had it memorized even four seasons later. But here we go. So part of why we are going to be taking a break is because holding down the fort is going to expand its website. So we actually plan on creating a blog section where we have I mean, I haven't like mapped it all out yet. But we hope to have like, for example, contributing writers, you know, who want to be a part of this, and maybe they aren't as excited to speak on a mic, but they communicate better through writing. And so we want to be able to provide that opportunity to our community and to you know, people who are getting to know our community for the first time. So we're excited to be expanding the website before season five, you know, continuing to have more written content for all of you still the same theme in mind, the relevant knowledge, resources and relevant stories for all of you just going to be more in text form. And genuine. You're a writer and a blogger. So I thought I'd asked you are you excited?


Yeah, I mean, let's be honest, we've talked about lots of expansion options, when when the good idea fairy has struck. No, I mean, I think, a place for people to land where I mean, I'll be honest, I really loved the podcast, but have like the transcript, because if I want to go back and like pull something from it, I love it. So I mean, I love words, you're never gonna find anybody that loves words any more than I do. So I think adding, you know, written things that you can look up quickly and things like that, it's gonna be very beneficial.

Jen Amos:

Yeah, and speaking of which, we do plan on adding transcripts to our show, actually. So for people who are more of a reader, like you mentioned, they'll be able to have that option or read along, you know, as they listen to the podcast, I know for myself, I use a third party program to like, once I have Dennis, edit, I don't know if like Dennis ever wants me to say his name out loud, like he usually edits it out. But anyway, I'm just gonna say my editor in case Dennis doesn't want his name to mentioned, but I feel like we say it so much, he keeps it in there. Anyway, typically, what Dennis does is he'll send me the first draft or the first draft of the audio editing he did. And then I will take it on to a transcript program I use called otter.ai, which is a free program, anyone can get it up to 500 minutes free every month. It's really cool. But anyway, what I do is I get it transcribed. And then as I'm re listening to it, I'm reading along. And I realize how much that would benefit our listeners. And so you know, moving forward, that is my hope. I do want to mention that like, a lot of times, transcripts aren't perfect, they're usually AI generated, at least what we use. So I just want to give you all a heads up that even if we're going to use transcript, just know that it's not going to be perfect, and it's best that you read along as you listen to the podcast. But either way, that'd be a fun thing to, you know, provide for our listeners that are looking for that extra engagement. You know, I know for me, when I have Kindle, I also like to get the audio book. So then the audio can like, read for me as I'm reading, you know, a Kindle book, and I appreciate it because it's like, sometimes I just look at words. And I literally like I have to have like Siri Read It For Me, for example, because I just I don't know what it is. I don't know, it's because I just become this crazy podcaster that I can't just like look at words and read it.

Unknown Speaker:

Listen to things on like two times speed.

Jen Amos:

That is true as well. Yes, exactly. Like I'm like, this is too slow. For me. We hope that today's episode like it's just too slow. It's just too slow. So like, so you're right. I didn't listen to my case anyone's wondering. I do listen to like everything basically at two times speed. Even on my leisure time. Like there was one time I was in the kitchen. And I was watching YouTube, one of my favorite like speakers or whatever. And I was playing him at like one it was like 1.75 speed because he talks really fast. 1.75 speed. And then Scott walks by he's all like, is like, wow, you digest your leisure stuff, like at that speed too. And I was like, Well, yeah, I just I want to get to the point. Like I want to know when he's saying like, you know, like Netflix has recently like added the speed feature in there. So like one of the last things I watched before we cancelled Netflix, I think I'm pretty sure we cancelled it was Tiger King. And, and initially because I was I was actually studying it for a project by the way. I wasn't like watching it for leisure, because I don't know how to take a break y'all.

Unknown Speaker:

But anyway, clear story.

Jen Amos:

Yeah, it's very Yeah, it's very true. And I remember I was like trying to get to the first 1015 minutes because like this project I was working on recommended to study like the beginning of it because that we were studying like investigative journalism. And they're like, oh, watch the first 15 minutes and it kind of like wraps up the whole story and then it's the rest of the series that really dive in. That first 15 minutes. So like I watched it, but I sped it up at like 1.5. And I would have gotten faster, genuine but it's not like I didn't let me go over 1.5. So just so you know, I would have gone faster if I had the opportunity. But yeah, that's what I do in my leisure time. So that when I finally shut off, like I did that one newsletter I sent, I just don't listen to anything. Like, it's just like complete silence instrumental music, you know, to say the least sometimes. And that's a fun fact, in case anyone's wondering, I love listening to instrumental music, when I don't want to, like hear anything or hear any words anymore. But yeah, I mean, I don't know what was going with that. But yes, I do digest my content really fast. Because there's just too much going on in life that I don't want to go slow. I don't know. It's just like a one minute I'm


going to teach you things when I'm going to teach you I'm going to teach you the art of not listening to

Jen Amos:

watch. Okay, you could try. You could try. No, you're a teacher. So maybe it'll actually work. But

Unknown Speaker:

I'll just slowly rub off on you. That's all.

Unknown Speaker:

Yeah, yeah. I need to learn

Unknown Speaker:

comfortable over there not doing anything.

Jen Amos:

Yeah, yeah. And you think I'd be on like anxiety pills or something? But I'm, I'm not I think coffee is like, my, my drug or something. And But yeah, I guess I'm glad that I haven't resorted to anything yet. Although maybe I do need something. But anyway, mental health check in for you. Anyway, so yeah, looking forward. I'm like, totally changes subjects forward. I I'm actually actually genuine. I'm looking forward to more conversations like this, you know, like, I'm just looking forward to us being more candid. Because I know that just listeners love listening to co host just kind of go off. And I know that even what I learned in the podcasting community, is that like, you know, people come for the guests, but they stay for the hosts. And I'd like to believe that we have a pretty good chemistry at this point. And people like us, and I just want to continue to have open conversations like this about our individual journeys, and what we're doing on the podcast, what we're doing in our separate lives, and just have a good time. Like we literally like barely had an agenda today. And I feel like we've been having a good time. So I would agree.

Yeah, so website. Yeah. So we will have expanding new website coming soon. Yeah, so coming soon. So I'm going to be spending a lot of my time doing that in the offseason. And until then, I want to encourage all of you to visit our website, our current website, which will be the same domain holding down the fort podcast COMM And subscribe to our newsletter if you haven't already. Because the newsletter is just a great way for me to stay in touch with all of you and let you know, like what is going on, you know, right now what's most updated thing that's happening on the show recommended resources from, you know, guests we've had in the past. So it's really just a great way to like check in and be like, hey, what are they up to outside of the podcast? You know, really sign up for that newsletter. Again, you can check out either the show notes of this episode, or visit the website holding down the fort to podcast calm. Other than that, jennylyn I feel like we should say more stuff. But I feel like we covered a lot. And yeah, I mean, I have to remember that this must be our last episode. So for season four. So I just want to share with all of you, you know, let's wrap up with gratitude. Genuine. That's what we do gratitude. Yeah. So I am just grateful for the show. And if anyone is listening to this for the first time, you know, holding down the forts started for a number of reasons. First and foremost, I was trying to reinvent myself in the East Coast, I left San Diego, I lived there for 20 years after my dad had served. So like we moved there when I was 10. And then I left around 30, with my husband to move to the east coast to work on our business. And rather than telling myself this, like really sad story of me living under my husband shadow, I wanted to find my identity outside of him and come as a whole person, you know, into our relationship and into our business, not just kind of a support for him. Like I wanted to stand on my own two feet. It's not like he ever wanted me to be under his shadow. You know, he actually, from the get go, it was like, it's been really nice, because as I start to like, kind of come into myself, thank you, like losing my words now because it's like 730 here. So as I start to come into my own, as I start to come into my own, he would get really excited because it'd be like, he's like, that's the jet I know. That's why I fell in love with you. That's why I work with you. That's why I do all this like, like, that's who I wanted. I wanted you not Scott's wife, I want to Jen, you know, and it's been such a transformative experience for me to go back to my goldstar family story and truly embrace that story. And really, like understand what that means today and how I can help our families today, you know, not just like on this podcast, but even the work that we do for us about wealth. And so I really started this as a way to find my identity outside of the veterans that I was working with, like basically they're all veterans, a lot of masculine energy going on. Very go getter mentality. And I mean, I think I have a very go getter mentality but I also have that feminine energy of Wait, let's slow down. Let's slow down and, and talk about why we're doing what we're doing not just, you know what we're doing, and just to, you know, hit our bottom line and stuff like that. So, you know, holding down the fort, once it started, it really became a crash course for me for what the military community looks like today. So I've had the opportunity of just talking to, you know, people from all walks of life in the military community and those for the military community. And of course, as the seasons went on, I started to get a better idea of who I was meant to serve. And so you know, fast forward to today, you know, moving forward into season five, I hope to continue to nurture the relationships with, let's say, past seasoned spouses, and, you know, the organizations and people who support our career military families, and I think it's just very fitting considering, you know, genuine that you are a seasoned spouse. So again, going back to what I said earlier, it's just like, all coming together. And it all just like makes sense. And I think we're in for a beautiful surprise for season five, I'm just really excited for what season five is to bring because of the journey that I've personally been through. And then now, you know, you haven't been a part of it so far, in the last two seasons, jennylyn I just keep thinking of like, all this energy coming together to become like a strong laser. Just, that's what I feel like is happening, you know, there's all this energy coming together to be like this really strong laser that's gonna, like shoot out, and hopefully not hit anyone. But like, if I do hit anyone, it's like, in a positive, beneficial way. I try really hard to come up with really good analogies. And that's the best one I can come up with in this very moment. So anyway, you are analogizing us that's the word I


use. When Matthew tells stories, he tells them through analogy to Yeah, yes, ah, gratitude, as you were talking about, you know, Scott really kind of cheerleading, for you to be you, I was very much reminded of how much Matthew does that for me, like, he has always been my best cheerleader and always been, you know, the guy going, this is your lane, like you do, you can do this and this. And for me, I am so grateful for the podcast, because what I set out to do, unintentionally, you know, was to share my story. And I started that a couple years ago, doing it on a blog and, you know, never really have a plan for it just kind of shared what was on my heart and mind and would post every couple of months or so. And then I hold that down. Here we go.

Unknown Speaker:

You know, the laser.


Yeah, honed it down, like a laser became more intentional about it and really tried to set a rhythm and you know, kind of learned all the things about blogging and posting and went to some writing conferences and really felt like I had this story that was going to be a book. And that is where I put all of my focus, I probably have 40,000 words of a would be memoir, in various spots on my computer, that I have long considered the thing I thought I was supposed to do. And in talking with a mentor recently, and kind of bemoaning, like, oh man, I've started this stupid memoir, like five times. That's why I got like, 40,000 words and all different places, really kind of beating myself up for never having finished that, you know, let's not, let's totally ignore that we're in a pandemic, I have two children, I homeschool I work full time, right? By guest on the side, like, on and on and on. You know, I haven't worked on the book. And I was really like, what am I doing with my life, like, I have this whole thing. And she's like, jennylyn, like, you literally talk about military mental health as a job. People pay you to do that. Right? very passionate about that. That is what you were actually going to write about, like, that is such a fundamental part of your story. And she's like, and you talk to people, like three times a week, you know, get him about that thing on the podcast. And I was like, Oh, yeah. Like, and so for me, like this is just become such a fun part of the journey that I never, never intended to have, like, yeah, you know, I'm 38. Like, not that that's old. But, you know, podcasting wasn't a thing when you like, sit in your senior year high school and go, what are you going to be when you grow up? podcasting wasn't an option, right? You know, so, to have it be such an integral part of my life today in such a fun and meaningful part is what I'm really great. That was a really long answer for what I'm grateful for. Like, I'm a writer, I got a lot of words. It's perfect. It


was perfect. It was enough. It's not like we're like limited on time right here.

Unknown Speaker:

So we're good. We're good.

Jen Amos:

Well, thank you for sharing that Jenny LED. I think there's just you know, beautifully said and I think it represents, like what military life is it kind of takes you in all these different directions and, you know, you evolve into a different version of yourself with every PCs. And even though we didn't plan to be here, I mean, literally Like two years ago, I didn't plan to be a podcaster I only started podcasting. Like two years ago, like less than two years, I think I started like summer like June 2019, you know, and it's barely that time yet like to think about how much podcasting has dramatically changed my life since then. it's astounding. And I'm very proud of myself for that. And, you know, and then within the short year to, like, you came into my life, you know, and I'm just so happy to hear that it's been such a delight for you and fruitful experience. And, again, it goes back to what we were saying at the beginning is that it's so like life giving to so many people, including ourselves. And it's great. Like, I mean, I think we could sit here all day, just continuing to share our gratitude. You know, I will be slightly sad that will be offseason for a while, but I know you and I won't stop talking. I look forward to your idea, fairies. And, you know, I look forward to like the evolution of this show and what season five is going to look like because every season has felt different. For me personally, I felt like I was a different person every single time. And again, I'm just so excited to just be like, the better version of ourselves or continuing to be the better version of ourselves moving forward. So, yeah, it's like, I kind of don't want this to end because we're gonna be gone for a while. But remember to remember to our listeners, you know, if you stay in touch with us via our newsletter, you know, we'll continue to keep you updated in the offseason. And of course, you could always contact like, oh, the show notes, have our contact information. Jenny Lin's email, my email. So just know that like, even though we're offseason, we're not off ourselves. jennylyn still works full time. I still work full time. You know, I mean, I'll be working on the website. I just won't be podcast during the offseason. And then yeah, and then the last thing I want to share is, if you've been listening to the show for a while, and you think that it's time for you to share something, I'm going to keep repeating the closing statement, whether it's a relevant piece of knowledge, resource or relevance relevant, I'm saying relevant twice, I need to come up with another word for relevant. But anyway, if you have something you want to share on the show, I just know moving forward that, you know, our focus is going to be primarily on career military families, season spouses, you know, we want to continue to, you know, talk to that demographic. However, you know, it's not to say that you shouldn't try to reach out anyway, if you feel like you have something that you want to share on the show. And I guess that's it. I'm going to miss you all. This has been a fun ride. I literally don't know when season five is going to start because I'm going to be working on the website, hopefully by summer, if not sooner. And you know, my hope

Unknown Speaker:

is that we'll take a break through PCs saying, Let's be honest. Yeah, exactly. Get to the east coast. Yeah. Well, I'm seeing some bugs.

Jen Amos:

You know what, there you go once jennylyn gets settled out here in the East Coast, which if you don't know already, she's coming back home to Virginia. And who knows? Maybe our opening interview or opening episode might be us in person that might be cool. So we'll see. We'll see. We don't know yet. We don't know what the future holds. But yeah, definitely reach out to us in the offseason. Even if we're not podcasting. We are still around. And yeah, that's it, I guess.

Unknown Speaker:


Jen Amos:

Oh, yeah. Greatest. Yeah. Everything that gentleman said. So, of course, if you do like our show, it does mean a lot to us. When you leave a five star written review on Apple podcasts or on pod chaser. If you do have Apple podcasts, I would prefer that you leave a review there just because it helps with our ratings that helps us get noticed, if you are not on Apple podcasts, use something else, consider leaving a review on pod chaser that's kind of like the Yelp or Google reviews of podcasting. So that's another outlet in case you don't have Apple podcasts as your you know, as your preferred listening platform. And yeah, we'd love to hear from you. Of course, just like what Jenny Lynn said, you can find us on social media, I'm still trying to catch up with like our content from like season three. And so my hope is that by season five will be up to date with all like pushing out all of the past episodes on social media. But please follow us on there and connect with us on there. And that's it. I mean, until then, we want to thank you again so much for being a part of our journey. And we're really excited to see what the next chapter of this podcast looks like. And, and that's it. I'm going to read a little closing statement one more time, but genuine any final thoughts from you?


Share this. Tell your friends, all these things. We'd love to hear from you in the offseason. Yes. I always think really fun.

Jen Amos:

Yeah, it's like, oh, you listen to us. That's cool. Well,


this is just that. It's not just like the UI listen to us. It's like, because I love the story. Let's be honest. I love your stories when you reach out and tell us that something that you heard made a difference to you. So if you have any of those, especially in the offseason, when we're not like weekly connecting, I would love to hear them. I am fine. The both the show and Jen and I personally, all over any social media channel. So come say hi.

Jen Amos:

I love that that's a great way to wrap up is like you know, reach out to us because you want to share your story even if it's just a dream. message us and tell us like what the show has meant to you. So, Alright, here we go Jenny Lynn final closing sales. The last thing I'm going to say before we wrap up and who knows, I don't know if it'll be updated for Season Five. But until then, we hope that today's episode, if this is we always crack up at the end of this. Okay, here we go.

Unknown Speaker:

With that said,

Jen Amos:

we hope that today's episode gave you one more piece of knowledge, resource or relevant story so you can continue to make confident and informed decisions for you and your lovely family. With that said, we look forward to speaking with you in the next episode. Tune in next time.

Show artwork for Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth

About the Podcast

Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth
Do you want to do more than “follow orders,” think outside of the box, and manifest your dreams? Then you’ve come to the right show!

In the previous season, the award-winning podcast, Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth, highlighted motivational stories of personal growth, financial awareness, and autonomy in our military community. The show is hosted by Jen Amos, a Gold Star daughter, Veteran Spouse, and Entrepreneur.

For Fall 2025, the show will continue its partnership with The Rosie Network. Learn more about how they are building up the next generation of military-connected entrepreneurs at https://therosienetwork.org/

We will continue to showcase US VetWealth's partnership with Blue Water Advisors, featuring conversations with Scott R. Tucker and Mike Wallace about career progression for military retirees seeking employment in post-military. Check out their latest live shows at https://www.youtube.com/@USVWTV/streams

Our main sponsor, US VetWealth, proudly offers Life Insurance and Annuity Strategies for The High-Income Military Retiree. Let's help you capitalize on your above-average health and substantial income-earning potential for post-military life. For a free consultation, visit https://usvetwealth.com/

In the Fall of 2023, Jen Amos was sought after by InDependent to co-host the 8th annual InDependent Wellness Summit™. In August 2022, Jen Amos' work on the podcast was recognized by the Disney Institute. She was hand-selected as the only non-Disney employee to moderate the first Military Spouse Employment panel for the Veterans Institute Summit. March 2022, former co-host Jenny Lynne was voted the 2022 Naval Station Norfolk Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year. November 2020, Jen Amos was awarded “Media Professional of the Year” at The Rosie Network Entrepreneur Awards! The show continued to collect award nominations in the following years. In September 2021, the show made the Final Slate in the 16th Annual People's Choice Podcast Awards for the Government & Organizations category. In November 2021, the show was an Award Finalist for the 5th Annual National Veteran & Military Spouse Entrepreneur Awards. December 2021, the show was a Golden Crane Podcast Awards Nominee. September 2022, the show was a Finalist for the 13th Annual Plutus Awards presented by Capital Group for “Best Military Personal Finance Content.”

Holding Down the Fort has also been featured in multiple media outlets, including Military Entrepreneur (M.E.) Magazine, MOAA’s Never Stop Learning Podcast, The Leadership Void Podcast, Lessons Learned for Vets Podcast, Sisters in Service Podcast, Get 2 Vet, Blue Star Families of Dayton & Southwestern Ohio, Legacy Magazine, U.S. Veterans Magazine, The American MilSpouse, VeteranCrowd Network, It's a Military Life, VirtForce, Military Veteran Dad Podcast, and much more.

"Jen has a beautiful way of capturing the essence of her guests. She listens with an open mind and heart to help expand the words spoken- bringing life, connection, and deeper understanding. The military life is never “easy” we merely learn how to adapt the best we know how to. It’s through continuing to build the community up that we will see a decrease in the mental hardships we sometimes face. Thank you for your work to bridge the gaps, build awareness, and give a voice to so many of us. With a variety of guests, there is truly an episode meant for you to hear. I look forward to continuing to support you Jen!" - Candice E. Van Dertholen, Ep. 190
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About your host

Profile picture for Jen Amos

Jen Amos

As the co-owner of US VetWealth, I assist in business operations and in marketing educational content for military retirees seeking alternative options to the Survivor Benefit Plan and privatized financial strategies for your military retirement.

From growing up in a military family to becoming a Gold Star family member at 10 years old, I have first-hand experience with how a sudden transition to civilian life can impact a family emotionally and financially. Thanks to the Price of Freedom Foundation, you can read about our family's story in the book titled, "Silent Soul: The MM1 Alfonso Apdal Amos Story (The Price of Freedom Chronicles - Cold War Era)."

20+ years removed from military life, I started the podcast show Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth in the summer of 2019 to get a pulse on the community today. I’ve come to find that our families still share similar issues that I faced in my childhood. It’s become a sense of responsibility to do my part in validating the stories and struggles of career military families. By the fall of 2020, I had been awarded Media Professional of the Year by The Rosie Networks' National Veteran and Military Spouse Entrepreneur Awards. Since then, the show has received five more award nominations and has been recognized by multiple media outlets, including the Disney Institute’s Veterans Insititute.

While the show is off-season, I focus most of my time building out US VetWealth’s Military Retirement Blueprint -- the only resource for military retirees to learn about SBP alternatives and privatized financial strategies. Contrary to popular belief, retiring military officers and senior NCOs are, what we consider, high-income earners. Our FREE resource provides guides, courses, live training, consulting, and an ever-growing list of content for you to learn about your untapped potential and opportunities for post-military life. Access our free resource now by visiting https://militaryretirementblueprint.com/

You can read more about Jen Amos' work in the Summer 2023 Military Entrepreneur Magazine by The Rosie Network (Pg. 16).